Coffee Pot Christian Fellowship and Outreach

The Coffee Pot

Several years ago the Love of God was on me in such a way I needed to do something to share Jesus’ love with others. I ask my husband for prayer as it was on me quite heavy. My husband prayed and was given a vision. He said to me your ministry is not what you think. The Lord showed him a alley with trash cans and trash trucks going up and down the alley. He said your ministry is in that alley.

Though we had looked for a building in the area for a long time nothing was available. Right away a building came available. Thus began the Coffee Pot.
The Love of God was still on me in a pressing way and again I went to my husband for prayer telling him I had to know where my ministry was.
He said, Kathy, have you not looked outside at the alley with the trash cans and trash trucks going up and down the alley? It was the vision my husband had been given.

The Lord bountifully supplied every provision. He sent Debbie, a dear sister in our Lord to help. With covid and many trials there came changes. We rented another building across the alley. The Coffee Pot changed from mostly in house feeding folks to a light lunch 3 days a week, to go lunches, clothes and basic needs for folks, food boxes and Bible studies every day. Everyone is loving the Bible studies.

Folks love to come in and get warm, have a light lunch, coffee, snacks, often a food box, shoes, socks, a clothing need and some times they come in just for prayer.

People say the Coffee Pot is their happy place, that they feel the peace of God there. That they feel safe and they come in knowing someone will pray for them. Many times they just come by for prayer.

We love the people.
It’s our happy place too. We love it there
and we love the presence of the Lord’s love for the people.
It is very evident.

We invite you to visit.

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The Coffee Pot Christian Fellowship and Outreach
615 SE 162nd Ave.,
Portland, OR 97233
© 2025